Diabetics living in the Golden State may want to take notice of a debate currently taking place among their legislators. That’s because the heated conversation has to do with a bill regarding lancing devices, insulin needles, and other similar diabetes testing supplies. If the bill does eventually turn into law, it could change how diabetes testing supplies will need to be sold, purchased, and disposed of (Diabetic Lancing Device) within the state. Here’s more:
The wished-for bill is currently known as CA AB 1893. It was first introduced in February 2014 by Assemblymen Mark Stone and Susan T. Eggman. The legislators allege that a portion of the state’s diabetics has been disposing of their lancing devices and related diabetes testing supplies without adhering to current medical waste disposal guidelines. As a result of their beliefs, they want to make the purchase of sharps containers mandatory with related diabetes testing supplies. They are also pushing to require diabetes testing supply providers to include state-specific, medical waste disposal information with every order as well.
For diabetics do not accustom to buying new sharps containers every time they need another lancing device, lancets, or needles, the proposed ruling could prove to be costly. This is especially the case for those who are uninsured or currently have insurance coverage that does not include the cost of diabetic testing supplies. Whether or not the new bill passes, it should go without saying that properly disposing of one’s diabetes management supplies is not only mandatory, it is the right thing to do.
Those unsure of how to properly dispose of such items do not have to wait for information from the California legislators to proceed with their diabetes care. Such information is often easily obtainable by speaking with one’s healthcare team, local hospitals, clinics, health departments, and diabetes support group facilitators. General disposal information is also currently available through entities like the U.S. FDA, EPA, and diabetes testing supplies providers. For more information about disposing of spent lancets, lancing devices, and other testing supplies, please contact us today.